星期六, 十二月 10, 2005
What a hash!
Still, newsmth.net is suffering the pain of the upgrade of Firefox 1.5(, actually the bug and incompatibility of Firefox 1.5). And I am suffering it, too.
After upgrade, firefox cannot display many of the rolling elements in newsmth, and what is worse is that a site even crashed it(in MS WindowsXP SP1)! What an evil site! However, my experience help me little to figure out why it happens or what is the fuse of the dynamite! It seems completely and dispairingly nonsense!
BTW, I.E. seems to perform lagging when editing blogger.com's post! And Safari( and then the khtml based Konqueror!) claims to pass the Acid2 tests!
Maybe I should consider turning to KDE once again? or just use firebird 0.7?
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