星期五, 七月 13, 2007
NoScript是我一直坚持使用的几个Firefox Addon(或者传统一点——Extension)之一,它的主要作用就是屏蔽未知(换句话说,你不信任的)站点的JavaScript。为啥要屏蔽JavaScript,首先,无聊的JavaScript有时候除了招惹广告之外,还影响浏览器的速度,增加CPU负担,加剧能源的浪费,对世界和平和人类发展都有之极为重大的影响!而在Web安全专家的眼里,JavaScript这样的dirty脚本当然是insecure的,何况这个css都可以参与XSS(跨站点脚本攻击)的年代,萝卜更不安全。正因为有NoScript把关,新浪不能让我的CPU风扇咆哮,网易也不能令Firefox空转,Flash被乖乖的驯服,广告也收起了从来的锋芒。
不过,今天看到一个blog站,竟然用html的noscript标签来友善的提示不支持script的浏览者打开JavaScript支持。这样照顾小众浏览器用户的切身体验的行径在大公司(那些对W3C标准充耳不闻,关掉JS不提示,滥用ActiveX和VBScript,用UserAgent字符串禁止部分浏览器访问)的网页尚且一塌糊涂的中国互联网上,实在是难能可贵的——就好像《银河系漫游指南》之所以比《银河大百科畅销》不仅仅因为它更便宜一点,还在于其背面友善的字体印出的“Don't Panic”(不要恐慌)字样。
星期四, 七月 12, 2007
星期一, 七月 09, 2007
You crazy kids, 80 colums?!? Pure non-sense!
In my day, we used primitive torches to burn binary dots onto chemically treated goat skin. We then spent our evenings around the fire decoding the input, using sea shells with sand in them for each byte. By morning, each shell was aligned and I could read the ASCII code out loud to debug my code.
For input, I used to craft copper drums out of ore and fuse the privative hand made capacitors to each in a precise alignment. Then we entered in the machine code by charging each capacitor we wanted with a simple clay jar battery and hand crafted wire mesh.
We did not have any electricity back then, so we had to hand crank the drums at a consistent 30 RPM as to synchronize it with the 60Hz clock of our main "Computer."
In my day, we used primitive torches to burn binary dots onto chemically treated goat skin. We then spent our evenings around the fire decoding the input, using sea shells with sand in them for each byte. By morning, each shell was aligned and I could read the ASCII code out loud to debug my code.
For input, I used to craft copper drums out of ore and fuse the privative hand made capacitors to each in a precise alignment. Then we entered in the machine code by charging each capacitor we wanted with a simple clay jar battery and hand crafted wire mesh.
We did not have any electricity back then, so we had to hand crank the drums at a consistent 30 RPM as to synchronize it with the 60Hz clock of our main "Computer."
星期日, 七月 08, 2007
博文 (Atom)