星期六, 十二月 31, 2005



这样的多页文本,当前页码、已访问页码,普通页码都是一个颜色 !

中文版要求1024x768分辨率,十分不方便(考虑一下穷老百姓的烂显示器),反而英文版是800x600 ,身为最权威网站,何堪若此?


怀疑中文版的首页是用Macromedia Dreamweaver做的,因为其中包含了某些熟悉的Javascript。不知道正是发布之后会不会有改观?

星期五, 十二月 30, 2005

FREE protein ligand docking software WANTED!!!


Is there any free software or even OSS available for protein ligand docking?

Any help or hint will be admirable!

Is MS Windows so insecure?

Yes, once a gain, ms windows, and flaws, erhn, yet another security hole, vulnerable, yes, and then what? Waiting for yet another patch to the hole?All these things seems to be bad and Microsoft is to blame.

But all the news reports on security of MS Windows once again and again buzz around our ears which has already reached the limit of our patience. And it is really worth thinking about the reallity of the facts and theories widely spread.

Thinking about that you are using a desktop MS Windows XP HOME at home, and use an ADSL modem and a SOHO router to log onto the internet, and do not go to any unfamiliar websites, use Firefox rather than IE6. Is it more safer and more convenient choosing an alternative than what you are now using?

I don't think so.

First off, a firewalled router is important. This will screen most of the blind scannings and attackings and what you want to protect is right after the NAT.

If you use firefox and successfully set up the common extensions and plugins to Fx, especially AdBlock, then I would bet that you would not even see no less than 98% ads that links to insecure sites. Thus, if you do not follow an insecure link, the possibility of falling into an phishing or what other pitfalls will be dramatically decreased. And by using adblock to block the tiring and untrustable Flash ads, your security and power are further guarded. Unless you misuse some untrustable downloaded software or internet software(i.g. Tencent QQ), I cannot figure out why your computer will be in trouble of a cracker!

My conclusion is: there is only insecure user but not secure system!



Dec 29,称量0.7678g粗样品

星期一, 十二月 26, 2005


nkbbs.org进站内嵌了圣诞音乐,可是quicktime 7.0.2的plugins在Firefox里无论如何也不肯播放音频!也罢,我有熬夜的习惯,因此反倒不希望在没有接耳机的情况下登陆某网站时引起邻居可能的不安。




但愿明天会更好! Posted by Picasa