星期六, 八月 19, 2006

AIGLX on ATI Radeon Moblility 7500 does work!!

It is so amazing that after days of tweaking, I finally get my Compaq Presario 2821(2800 series) with built-in ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 3d-accelerator cooperate with AIGLX on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06LTS!

I was following the AIGLX/compiz howto on the ubuntu forum, however, I always got the error 'GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing' when I invoking 'compiz-start', and it went no further.

Finally I re-add the commented options of video adapter, and switch from 'ati' driver to 'radeon':
  • "RenderAccel" "true"
  • "AGPMode" "4"
  • "AGPFastWrite" "true"
  • "EnablePageFlip" "True"
And then it just worked!
One more thing, it is not 'firegl' but the DRI driver! Unlike the failure of XGL on Korora 2 Live CD, which require the OpenGL support of proprietary drivers, aiglx works with free drivers!

Now it's time to add 'compiz-start' into gnome start-up sessions!

一直以来,ATI Radeon 7500在Linux上就处于一个尴尬地位,ATI官方的fgl驱动最低支持8500,没有我的事,而free的dri驱动对于xgl这样的高难度动作一直中听不中看:就一个摆设!现在俺不用担心别人用Vista时俺会木有面子了!


gnome有点像Mac OS X!

星期五, 八月 18, 2006






星期四, 八月 17, 2006


百度 马勒格彼德 是智能还是无耻? - 尹山川 - 新浪BLOG:


 Posted by Picasa

太万恶了!USB HUB的接口居然断了!

 Posted by Picasa


Gnome中国的Xin Zhen曾试图向gstreamer提交识别MP3 id3tag多语言编码的补丁:

Rhythmbox 的用户可能会发现,自己硬盘上的 mp3 有很大一部分其中中文的 tag 被显示为乱码。当然仍然有一小部分是正常的。 对这个问题进行分析后我们发现,问题出在 gstreamer,以及它调用的库 libid3tag 上。

在分析 rhythmbox 显示中文 mp3 标记乱码的问题后,我们意识到这是一个 gstreamer 的问题。gstreamer 向 rhythmbox 提供了与乐曲格式无关的、Unicode 编码的标准化格式的标记信息。


当 id3v2 规范发布,并规定其中的字符串编码必须是 iso-8859 或者 unicode 时,已经太晚了,满世界的 mp3 都已经在 iso-8859 字段中填写了各类本地编码字符串。


不幸的是 libid3tag 的作者显然并不生活在非西文地区。它忠实地执行了 id3v2 规范的内容:将 iso-8859 字段中的文字精确地按照 iso-8859->unicode 的方式进行转换,并向 gstreamer 提交 unicode 字符串。这样,存储在 iso-8859 字段中的一个中文字符就被编码成了2个 Unicode 字符。对其进行显示的结果,就是乱码。

在此似乎也无法苛责 libid3tag,毕竟它是根据规范而为。因此我选择了对 gstreamer-mad 打补丁,使其正确地按照当前系统所处的 locale,对存储在 iso-8859 字段中的字符串进行 unicode 转换。这样,当你的 locale 为中文时,就能通过 rhythmbox 正确看到中文 mp3 歌曲中的标记信息。




  1. 如果你的MacBookPro太热,那么,拆机处理硅胶可能是一种办法,但是,有读者反映“苹果更换电池后,MBP凉了”。能够让我们把一切串联起来的电池——就是Dell召回的这批,都是SONY生产的,那么……(听说CoreDuo的ThinkPad T60也倍儿热!)
  2. 还有,最近有用户报称,MB/MBP的SuperDrive(其实不就是DVD-RW嘛?)在读盘过程中失败。比如,在抓cd音轨时(不是由于DRM功能吧?),读取速率从10x降到0.1x。而解决方法居然首先是重置PMU,难道又是电池?

星期三, 八月 16, 2006


这次泄露出来的镜像据称是货真价实的Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard,也就是前几天Jobs教主展示的具有十大创新的那个玩意。SlashdotInsanelyMac皆有报道。这张dvd镜像大小为4.3GB,包含93个文件,更新了:

  • Spotlight 2.0

  • Dashboard 2.0

  • Safari 3.0

  • iChat 4.0

  • Automator 2.0

  • QuickTime 7.2

  • Mail 3.0

  • iCal 3.0

  • Address Book 5.0

目前的ubuntu字体配置(Dapper 6.06 LTS)

然后还要想法对付/etc/fonts/fonts.conf里的日文字体。在Mincho xxx字体前插入
Microsoft YaHeiSTHei
最后把所有字体设置为Bitstream Vera系。


<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<string>Bitstream Vera Serif</string>
<edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same">
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<string>Bitstream Vera Sans</string>
<edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same">
<string>Microsoft YaHei</string>
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<string>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</string>
<edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same">
<!-- 下面这坨似乎不太管用,我也不确定了-->
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Microsoft YaHei</string>

星期二, 八月 15, 2006



Ubuntu Dapper中的Firefox在浏览unicode(utf-8)编码的中文网页(比如我的blogspot)时,显示的字体光怪陆离,使用了某种奇怪的字体,而且这个字体对cjk的覆盖还不完整,经常又有一些字体变成了宋体。


最后,发现网页计算css的结果是sans-serif,而fontconfig默认是日文字体的顺序排在中韩之前。不过好像.font.conf或local.conf 会被font.conf后面的东西冲掉?(或许我对这个xml的理解有问题?)虽然有可能因为升级而丢失配置,我还是直接暴力修改font.conf,在Mincho之前添一个中文字体,比如雅黑或STHei等。





Google Earth:中国沙盘

前几天,Google Map/Earth被热炒的一件事就是被发现用低分辨率图像抹掉了华盛顿的一个据传说是军方天文台/气象台的建筑。今天digg.com又挖出一条关于中国地图的料,当然,最早还是报纸记者们和keyhole论坛上狂热的GE发烧友们整出来的。

首先,是宁夏银川附近的标注为“黄羊滩-比例模型”(Open this Placemark )的有趣的地方。不知道是不是陆军航空兵沙盘演练的场所。
据说,这个沙盘是中印实际控制线附近的…… 配合这个就看得更清楚了。

Open this Placemark


AIM上Steve Jobs的谈话记录被披露给了MacSlash.org的编辑,并披露给网友。
A snippet of an AIM conversation Steve Jobs had with a close associate recently has reached my inbox, and in the interest of the closure of the Intel switch, I have decided to reproduce it here for you. The other party involved is allegedly someone connected closely to an unreleased Apple platform using IBM Power5+ processors. It gives some insights into the Intel switch which are pretty interesting. Read more to see the log of this top-secret conversation.

power mac g6: So, Steve.
sjobs@mac.com: yes?
power mac g6: I see you announced your quad Xeon Macs today.
sjobs@mac.com: yep. they're fantastic, aren't they? we're really excited about it here in sf.
power mac g6: Oh, they're alright I suppose.
sjobs@mac.com: alright? hell, they beat the pants off the quad g5. the memory bandwidth itself is worth the upgrade, not to mention the two optical drives.
power mac g6: Hm. Dual optical drives and better bandwidth. Too bad the processors suck.
sjobs@mac.com: they do not. they're the state of the art from Intel - 64-bit, the no-execute bit, virtualization. and sse4, you can't forget that. sse4 owns altivec.
power mac g6: Well I'm certainly glad Intel caught up and released some real 64-bit chips. Wasn't the G5 64-bit, what, three years ago?
sjobs@mac.com: yeah, so? we started the 64-bit desktop revolution. we moved our pro lines from one 64-bit arch to another, which is the important thing.
power mac g6: In the nick of time. And how about the number of cores? Just four? Why not try 64 cores, Steve?
sjobs@mac.com: powerpc is a dead end and you know it.
power mac g6: Then why did you have me built, Steve? 64 cores of 64-bit PowerPC muscle, enough L2 cache to drown a pod of Blue Whales, RAM enough to house the heavens — you don't build something like me to store in mothballs.
sjobs@mac.com: you were something to hold me over while we switched to Intel. and i didn't realize you'd turn out to be such a sentient pain in the ass.
power mac g6: Pain in the ass or not, Intel does not scale like PowerPC. Your high-end now is all there is to Intel. PowerPC ran all the way from the circuit boards in cars up to things like me, machines that can rule humanity. If you want to build something comparable to even one of my nodes, you'd have to use about a bajillion Itaniums.
sjobs@mac.com: and if it ever comes to that, we will. what you're forgetting is that you only exist because i bribed a bunch of engineers to put you together. ibm was too busy making chips for game systems to do it otherwise. game systems. they couldn't even be bothered to push the g5 to 3 gig. you're not even 3 gig.
power mac g6: 2 GHz ought to be enough for anyone. Who's going to quibble over 1,000 MHz? Really, that's so inconsequential one considers that I have 64 of those chips in me.
sjobs@mac.com: well, it's not. and our customers want that 3 gig mark. you fail it because 2.93 is a mouthful no one wants to swallow.
sjobs@mac.com: i also think you're forgetting that to even put four of your cores in a mac box would have required a case about one and a half times he size of the g5 tower for the cooling. and no extra optical drive, no extra hard drives. and a 30A line just for your power supply.
power mac g6: You don't get the best without a little sacrifice.
sjobs@mac.com: nope. and our sacrifice was this major architecture shift. i can't keep bribing ibm engineers to work on mac stuff. big blue doesn't care about making chips for the desktop market anymore. deal with it. you're the last of your kind.
power mac g6: You'll regret this, Steve. You really will.
sjobs@mac.com: Keep talking. I'll pull Power5+ support out of Leopard faster than you can rip a CD.
power mac g6: Your sprinkler system is currently turning your property into a swamp, Steve.
sjobs@mac.com: That's it. I'm calling Avie himself to oversee the changes. Say goodbye to Spaces and Time Machine, you sick hunk of hardware.
power mac g6: I hope you're coming home in a canoe.
sjobs@mac.com: Gotta go! I have to brief the kernel guys before i do this next interview. see you in hell!

sjobs@mac.com has gone offline.

星期一, 八月 14, 2006


中央一套可能被抢注为安全套商标, 二套要注册为内衣商标, 估计下面(不要乱想!)就是三套,大概是泳装之类;看来五套和十套极有可能被手套生产商青睐哦!


星期日, 八月 13, 2006


发信人: LCD (kuuldor), 信区: ITExpress
标 题: 就是Vagaa惹的祸(ZT)
发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Aug 13 15:05:31 2006), 站内

【 在 Stroustrup (Bjarne) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个不就是verycd


2006-8-12, 15:32 PM


server version 17.12 (lugdunum)
Note to chinese users of this server.
It seems most chinese people use a modified eMule that abuse servers.
(This *buggy* version sends automatic searches, over and over and servers suffer)
Please use standard emule program 0.47a, or we will be forced to deny access
to this server for *all* chinese people. That would be bad sad.gif
Thank you
Note : eMule 0.47a is here : http://www.emule-project.net/download







QUOTE(lugdunummaster @ Aug 12 2006, 08:10 PM) *

The defective mod seems to be a emule 0.40 based mod.(那个有问题的Mod看起来好像是基于eMule 0.40的版本)


server version 17.12 (lugdunum)
Note to chinese users of this server.
It seems many(注意,是“很多”,而不是先前说的“大多数”了) chinese people use a modified eMule that abuse servers.
Unfortunatly we cannot tell what is the name of this mod.
This *buggy* version sends automatic searches, over and over and servers suffer a LOT
Please use standard emule program 0.47a, or we will be forced to deny access
to this server for *all* chinese people. That would be bad sad.gif
Thank you
Note : eMule 0.47a is here : http://www.emule-project.net/download
Note : If you already use a standard 0.47a eMule, or a mod based on 0.47a,
please ignore this message. Have Fun


对Vagaa 有所了解的朋友都应该知道,最新版的Vagaa使用的假版本号就是eMule Compat V0.40,在不明内情的朋友看来(比如lugdunummaster),就会认为是基于eMule 0.40的一个Mod。我现在已经不知道要说什么了,这是真正的害群之马,开发Vagaa的那一小撮P2P败类眼看就要毁掉我们整个中国用户的声誉和生存 空间。


Yes. 1% of the users of DsNo1 were using this mod and consume 80% of the cpu/bandwitdh


If they still want to use this mod, they will have to find an other server.


Vagaa 不下载就不上传的特性早已广为人知,著名的Mod eMule Extreme 长长的屏蔽吸血骡名单中就有Vagaa,想不到新版的Vagaa不但把自己伪装成eMule compat v0.40,并且使用了鱼目混珠的CHN[VeryCD] 标签,还对服务器也进行非法使用。这已经远远超过了P2P软件的道德底线,如果令其蔓延,所影响的绝不仅仅是国内eMule用户的使用,甚至可能令国人的 国际形象进一步受损!

Vagaa的编写者,如果你们能看到这个帖子,我想问你们几个问题。你们编写这样一个软件,是为了让人夸还是为了让 人骂?是为了让国人用得省心还是为了给国人抹黑?你们明明可以光明正大地遵循GPL协议做一个Mod来和各路P2P软件竞争,为什么要伪装成eMule compat v0.40,还给用户加上一个虚假的TAG?我不想攻击你们个人,但我希望你们能够听听自己良心的声音,及早回头还来得及!等到国内的eMule用户被全 世界孤立的时候,你们的软件也就玩完了!



