星期六, 一月 14, 2006


到处充斥着无知/无畏的对mac/ipod充满迷信和崇拜式的敬仰之情的类似红卫兵语法的小资fans!从他们对apple产品的不加选择、不加思考的无条件维护,对向intel cpu switch的过程中的迷茫,愤怒,失态和对mac osx86的逃避,失语中,我看到了人类心理中极端不理性的一面。

尽管我尚不拥有任何apple产品,但对于apple这个曾经的辉煌而传奇的品牌的迷信使我对于贴着咬过一口的苹果(电脑)的美轮美奂而价格不菲的产品垂涎三尺,我不得不承认我也有着某种宗教般的信仰,虽然这个时代的典型特征是信仰缺失。假如我买过任何苹果的Power架构产品,也许今天也会排斥、拒绝、咒骂intel,因为苹果多年来教育我们咒骂intel,甚至嘲笑M$!不过,对于社团文化,我还是更倾向于*nix hackers的精神自由。

A Mac zealot will never accept anything other than a Mac even if you built two identical machines on the same assembly line and took the badge off at the end.

Mac users are emotional thinkers, not logical thinkers. The "reasoning" used in their replies speaks for itself. They believe there is something unable to be measured that makes Macs great. It is a belief... no rationale necessary. Just like how Mac users believed that the G5 was faster than an Athlon64, no benchmark stating the obvious can make them believe otherwise.

Once you pick apart their reasoning and prove their examples wrong, the belief remains. They will always remain a Mac fanboy.
