- 首先,白色MacBook的变色问题仍然继续,而黑色MB是否就能逃过一劫,抑或是劫数难逃?
上图示:黑色MB最后一道漆皮剥落。 - 其次,iPod nano的划痕问题。以及针对shuffle的抱怨:“shuffle”功能实际上只是反复播放5首歌曲。
- 目光转向开胶的MBP电池:
难怪有O’Grady要说:“It’s not unrealistic for first generation products like the MacBook and the MacBook Pro to have bugs in them, I just can’t help but think that some of these issues would have been discovered if Apple tested new products on a larger group of people before releasing them to the masses.”
同时,用户还遭遇到电池半满时,毫无征兆的关机。 - 最后,MB和MBP共有的问题:不插电池,CoreDuo自动降到1GHz。
详情参见Cryptonome的帖子、Apple Discussion boards上面被锁定的thread。