星期一, 十月 02, 2006

Slashdot 回帖| Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox

Slashdot | Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox:
In response, Mozilla Corporation has stated that since the hackers did not submit the hack for verification, and they may not call it a "FireFox" hack, in compliance with their Trademark policy. Further, if anyone did take over a browser with this hack, they would have to change the icon or face vague threats.

The hackers plan to release the next version of the hack under the name IceWeasel Hack, while grumbling about backports. Debian developers have been debating whether they should include the hack in Etch or not.
作为回应,Mozilla公司宣布,由于黑客木有提交他们的hack用来验证,他们不能把那叫做“Firefox hack”——按照他们的“商标政策”。还有,如果任何人非要采用含这个hack的浏览器,他们将必须:更改图标,或者面对含糊的威胁。

黑客计划发布下一个版本的名为IceWeasel Hack的hack,尽管对于backports的牢骚满天。Debian开发者一直在辩论他们是否应把这个hack包含在Etch里。

