星期五, 八月 11, 2006

Reality distortion field的前途未卜

关于苹果老总Steve Jobs的Reality distortion field,Wikipedia上面有如下定义:

Reality distortion field (RDF) is both slang and computer industry jargon. The term was coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981 to describe company co-founder Steve Jobs' charisma and its effects on the developers working on the Mac project; by making them believe in what they were doing, enormous amounts of work were put in to bring the project to fruition. Later, the term was used to refer to devoted Macintosh users and others. RDF is the idea that Steve Jobs is able to convince people to believe almost anything with a skillful mix of charm, charisma, slight exaggeration, and clever marketing.

Jobs的领袖魅力啊!每年多少人拜倒在他老人家的扭曲力场中啊!可惜今年的WWDC上他老人家似乎已经有些英雄迟暮之相,不禁要让人们担心Jobs“尚能饭否”。不知道到底是手术还是股票期权的问题的打击,今年的WWDC Keynote上已经可以看出Jobs交棒的苗头了。不知道这样的安排是不是会在下次Apple World上更趋明显。卡扎菲放水了,卡斯特罗住院了,Bill Gates退休了。不知道Jobs还要工作多久。老一代硅谷创业者还在生意场上拼杀的,真是没有几个了。没有Jobs,苹果能否从"Reality distortion field"庇佑下的公司转换为一个比较正常的公司呢?

当然,Reality distortion field虽强,但仍然有人可以免疫:
Redmond, Start Your Photocopiers?
Has Steve Jobs Lost His Magic?

RDF strength = W x (RmRMDF) x cos(2 x pi x T/0.5)/r
