星期四, 十月 12, 2006


Grossman引用Robert Auger (cgisecurity.com)的话说:

5. The vendor's idea of a patch process involves you editing line X and replacing it with new code(制造商所谓的补丁过程包括让你手动编辑第X行,用新代码替换之。
4. The amount of total downloads is less than the application's age(下载总量不超过该应用的年龄
3. It isn't running on the vendors homepage(制造商不用他自己的应用做自己的主页
2. The readme file states that you need to chmod a certain file or directory to 777 in order for it to work(Readme文件说,你需要修改某文件或目录权限到777才能正常工作
1. If the application name contains 'nuke' in it, you're pretty much screwed.(如果应用的名字里含有“nuke”,那你肯定被涮了

