星期五, 七月 21, 2006

Infinite Loop: Users report MacBooks and MacBook Pros randomly shutting dow...

唉!把问题说成是只有“极少数爱鼓噪”的用户的遭遇从而逃避问题总是非常简单。但是,你没遭遇这些问题时,做这样的声明往往是知易行难。是的,亲爱的读者,尽管你谦卑的Infinite Loop作者至少两周以来,每天至少一次(常常更多)的遭遇关机的厄运。
Infinite Loop: Users report MacBooks and MacBook Pros randomly shutting dow...: "Alas, it is always easy to pass off issues such as this by claiming that the problems are being experienced by a 'very vocal minority.' However, making such claims tends to be a lot easier said than done when you are not one of those suffering. Yes, dear readers, even your humble Infinite Loop writer has had a random MacBook Pro shutdown at least once (often more than once) every single day for at least two weeks."
