MacRumors.com 正在讨论所谓的连接外置驱动器时的“Macbook死亡”,或“爆炸”:
I tried to reboot my MacBook, and that’s when things got weird. I get the white screen with the little tune. Then, small vertical colored lines appear in the center of the screen, spreading out to both sides. It then freezes on a hippie-looking multi-colored screen.
I now notice a little bubble on the bottom of my MacBook, approx. 1 inch away from when the screen starts (pretty much in the center). There are cracks in the plastic around the bubble.
After sending it back to the store for various flaws (random shutdown, excessive heat, a key that didn’t work, etc.) my macbook came back. Two weeks later, the logic board/graphic chipset blew up inside, creating a bubble and cracks on the bottom of my macbook.